The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre played host to a range of speakers and exhibitors for the Safety Expo which ran over 4 days in May.
One of the most relevant speeches was conducted by Natasha Jager of the Australian Drug Foundation (ADF) who communicated valuable information concerning drug and alcohol use in the workplace.
The following details will provide facts and guidance on how Alcohol and Other Drugs may be affecting your company.
Alcohol is still leading the charge as the most widely used drug of choice for Australians, with 78% of Australian adults indulging in a beverage or two.
Despite the media attention surrounding "ice" the figures show that Cannabis is the most popular drug used by Australians compared with 2.1 - 2.5% use for Amphetamine Type Stimulants.
In discussions with Ambulance Victoria, it was revealed to the ADF that 45% of all callouts involved alcohol, compared with 7% relating to methamphetamines.
Costs to business
6 Billion Dollars
Is the cost of alcohol-related productivity losses, absenteeism and injury. This is from a total of $15.3 billion that alcohol is costing society as a whole.
1.6 Billion Dollars
On top of alcohol issues, drugs are estimated to cost Australian businesses an additional $1.6 billion for the same reasons.
Reputation damage
An area that is still yet to be quantified is the lost profits and contracts due to negative associations arising from incidents involving drug/alcohol use. What is your reputation worth?
Did you know?
An estimated 35% of mental health sufferers also have a drug / alcohol issue. This emphasises the need for a holistic approach to usage.
Developing a clear policy which details your company's position on alcohol and other drugs is the first step to eliminating the issue.
Across the board
The policy will need to apply to all levels of management to be effective. For example, workplace alcohol use was found to be more common amongst managers and professionals than labourers.
Education and Communication
This is an integral part to any workplace policy and takes into account; information on drugs and alcohol, education on the policy, its meaning and options available to an employee who fails a testing program (including EAPs).
Drug and alcohol testing programs certainly do assist in addressing workplace substance abuse and need to form part of a larger "fitness for work" policy.
For more information contact Corpcare at
The Alcohol and Drug Foundation has a number of free factsheets on their website and can also assist with policy development and education in your workplace.
Call us today for help navigating the next steps.
03 9077 6400